TagMaster is an application driven technology company that designs and markets advanced sensor systems and solutions based on radio, radar, magnetic and vision technology for demanding environments. Business areas include Segment Europe and Segment USA sold under the brands TagMaster , Sensys Networks, Citilog and Quercus Technologies with innovative mobility solutions in order to increase efficiency, security, convenience and to decrease environmental impact within Smart Cities.
TagMaster is an application driven technology company that designs and markets advanced sensor systems and solutions based on radio, radar, magnetic and vision technology for demanding environments. Business areas include Segment Europe and Segment USA sold under the brands TagMaster , Sensys Networks, Citilog and Quercus Technologies with innovative mobility solutions in order to increase efficiency, security, convenience and to decrease environmental impact within Smart Cities.
Investor Relations
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Investor Relations
Under Investerarrelationer återfinns information på svenska för aktieägare, potentiella investorer samt för analytiker.
The Investor Relations section contains information in English about TagMaster for shareholders, potential investors, and financial analysts.
TagMaster provides innovative and flexible solutions for traffic and rail systems. Our technology features the highest quality in Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR).
TagMaster provides innovative and flexible solutions for traffic and rail systems. Our technology features the highest quality in Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR).
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All resources in one place
Looking for more information on TagMaster´s ANPR and RFID products. Here you will find our data sheets, white papers, case studies, type approvals and our general terms of conditions.
Looking for more information on TagMaster´s ANPR and RFID products. Here you will find our data sheets, white papers, case studies, type approvals and our general terms of conditions.
The TrafficRadar unit accurately gathers traffic data without the need for in-ground sensors. It can monitor two lanes of traffic travelling in the same or opposite direction, monitoring each lane separately.
The device can either be battery powered for short term surveys or can be solar powered for permanent installations. Units comes with a 4G modem and users can specify the way data is collected. It can record either (Vehicle By Vehicle) VBV or binned data and can log the data both historically and in real-time.
The TrafficRadar can be used in numerous applications:
Ad hoc traffic surveys, annual or otherwise
Road safety audits
One way street surveys
HGV zone restriction surveys
Speed & flow congestion monitoring
Transport planning & road modelling
And now with the EasySetup App, setting up the TrafficRadar for traffic surveys is so easy. You can be up and running at the roadside in just 5 minutes with effortless configuration!
Our External Sales and Technical Support teams will be availing themselves to digital tools such as Zoom to replace direct customer visits with virtual meetings if desired.
There are numerous interfaces and communication protocols used in many different fields of network communication. This causes problems and drives cost for installers and integrators.
When planning and installing Access Control Systems or Parking solutions together with 3rd party hardware, like Long Range RFID Readers, additional interface converters must be installed to make it work.
This is not true when including TagMaster’s Long Range RFID Readers in the solution.
TagMaster’s Readers comes, out of the box, with all interfaces and protocols needed to communicate with all major Access Control System Manufacturers on today’s market.
TagMaster’s Long Range RFID Readers are very easy to install and set up. No additional interface converter is needed.
There are numerous interfaces and communication protocols used in many different fields of network communication. This causes problems and drives cost for installers and integrators.
When planning and installing Access Control Systems or Parking solutions together with 3rd party hardware, like Long Range RFID Readers, additional interface converters must be installed to make it work.
This is not true when including TagMaster’s Long Range RFID Readers in the solution.
TagMaster’s Readers comes, out of the box, with all interfaces and protocols needed to communicate with all major Access Control System Manufacturers on today’s market.
TagMaster’s Long Range RFID Readers are very easy to install and set up. No additional interface converter is needed.
Integrated Interfaces for Wiegand, RS232, RS485 and Ethernet
Track, monitor and manage scarce parking space with Long Range RFID Readers.
With ever increasing traffic, companies and all kinds of organisations, are eager to give easy and quick access to employee parking spaces.
With the implementation of TagMaster RFID Readers and tags, all organisations are able to quickly and efficiently track, monitor and manage scarce parking space.
There are many benefits with Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI):
TagMaster’s new, free EasySetup App is now available for download from Google Play Store.
EasySetup provides effortless product configuration; it makes easy work of setting up your hardware for traffic surveys from your SmartPhone.
The EasySetup App is perfect for using with temporary surveys as set up is quick and simple can be done at the roadside.
EasySetup can be used to set up all the hardware in TagMaster’s infomobility product range. Taking the CityRadar as an example, you can see just how easy the set up is.
The benefits of using the EasySetup Android Application are:
Effortless product configuration
Real-time or locally stored survey
4G connectivity
Portable and temporary surveys
Easy retrieval of survey data
Easy to share downloaded survey data from mobile phone
Find out more about using the EasySetup app for effortless configuration of your survey hardware.
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• Non-intrusive radar technology
• Easy and quick installation on existing street furniture
• Directional counting of bicycles and pedestrians
• Mobile or fixed use
The CityRadar allows the collection of volumetric and classified data of bicycle and pedestrian traffic without intrusive sensors in the ground.
This radar has been designed without traditional low speed cut-out filters to be able to acurately manage very low speeds for the detection of cycles and pedestrians / joggers on a dedicated path or in a context of normal road traffic.
The CityRadar’s ability to count composite framed bicycles and groups is superior to inground technologies thanks to its sophisticated discrimination algorithms.
Our External Sales and Technical Support teams will be availing themselves to digital tools such as Zoom to replace direct customer visits with virtual meetings if desired.
The parking sector has lately been particularly proactive in speeding up the transition to touch-free transactions. As an example, TagMaster’s ANPR cameras has successfully been deployed together with a parking system from SKIDATA at the new Centre:mk multi-storey ‘smart tech’ car park in Milton Keynes, UK.
TagMaster’s parking solutions include Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) technology. The main advantage is that vehicle authentication is automatic and provides touchless, free-flow access. We are ready to support you and your businees and meet the trends.
5 Trends in the Parking Sector
No touch, No queuing
Park Active
The Parking Experience
10 Years in 10 Months
Existing Technology, New Solutions
Read the full article and find out how the TagMaster ANPR Touch-free Parking Solution can help you!
Our External Sales and Technical Support teams will be availing themselves to digital tools such as Zoom to replace direct customer visits with virtual meetings if desired.
Whether you need an ANPR camera for Parking, Access Control, Security or ITS, this next generation ANPR camera is all you need. TheCT45’s high quality imaging and onboard processor makes it suitable for all applications.
The high resolution enables you to capture the most challenging plates including those with half-height and stacked characters. 850nm infra-red illumination is standard, which allows clear and crisp licence plate images to be produced 24-hours a day.
The onboard Jet Recognition Engines allows all the HD video to be processed inside the camera, so there is no need to send high bandwidth video across the network to high-powered external PCs.
Easy 5 minute set up
Motorised zoom lenses with autofocus for flexible and easy set up
Linux OS, fast, stable and secure
PoE+ capability to reduce installation cost
True infra-red capture camera for maximum performance 24/7
Our External Sales and Technical Support teams will be availing themselves to digital tools such as Zoom to replace direct customer visits with virtual meetings if desired.
The TrafficRadarunit allows for the collection of traffic data without the need for in-road sensors. With this non-intrusive technology, the TrafficRadar can monitor two lanes of traffic travelling in the same or opposite direction. The advanced embedded algorithms ensure that the vehicle length measurement is highly accurate, allowing for Vehicle By Vehicle (VBV) classification.
Key Features:
Accurate measurement without in-ground sensors
Very easy to install
Manages two lanes of traffic
Wide range of survey and communications options
Robust and weatherproof design
The TrafficRadar can be solar powered for permanent installations, or battery powered for short surveys. It is fully self-contained, with no in-ground sensor requirement making it quick and easy to install as well as being a cost-effective solution with minimal installation costs.
Its ease of installation means that the equipment can be installed and removed quickly by a single engineer, allowing for rapid deployment on existing street furniture.
The TrafficRadar can be used in numerous applications, click the button below to find out more…
Our External Sales and Technical Support teams will be availing themselves to digital tools such as Zoom to replace direct customer visits with virtual meetings if desired.
Tag Master’s Long-Range RFID Readers can be used in an almost indefinite number of ways, such as identifying vehicles, a position or an object and can trigger just any kind of action.
One particular area where using Long Range RFID-solutions is common and very beneficial is within warehouses and on industrial vehicles. Other typical areas of use are, ports, distribution centres, or industrial areas. The purpose is to open different kinds of doors and barriers, but also to prevent unauthorised vehicles from accessing restricted areas
Read an application study to get more information on how the TagMaster Long Range Readers can increase efficiency and convenience in a warehouse facility. Don’t miss the free, complementary application guide:Identification of Industrial Vehicles.
The only rapidly deployable intelligent bicycle and pedestrian radar detector on the market.
Directional counting of bicycles and pedestrians
Temporary or permanent installation options
Mounts to existing street furniture with no in-ground sensors required
Simultaneous detection of several bikes and pedestrians
The key features of the CityRadar:
Non-invasive counting/classifying
Simple 5 minute installation
Numerous communication options available
Rugged, weather-resistant design
The CityRadar is fully self-contained, with no in-ground sensor requirement making it quick and easy to install. It can also be installed facing towards live traffic lanes thanks to advanced discrimination algorithms.Its ease of installation means that the equipment can be installed and removed quickly by a single engineer, allowing for rapid deployment on existing street furniture.
The CityRadar unit can be powered by mains, solar or battery supply making it a versatile option for permanent and temporary installations. It is equipped with a 4G modem for remote data collection as well as wireless communication for localised wireless configuration and data collection.
Android & Windows based applications are available for configuration, live validation and data collection.
Our External Sales and Technical Support teams will be availing themselves to digital tools such as Zoom to replace direct customer visits with virtual meetings if desired.
TagMaster’s radio technology-based solutions (RFID) are used to identify, authorize and give access all types of known vehicles, preventing security breaches. Our solutions are often used to control and optimize vehicle flows and improving customer service.
RFID Long Range Readers can also be used for controlling and optimizing the use of different internal resources, such as charging stations, fuel, wash or maintenance. Other areas of use could be statistical purposes or documentation for invoicing.
TagMaster has thousands of installations of Long Distance Readers together with the leading Installers of access systems. Our readers works with systems such as, ASSA, Integra, Salto, Siemens, Stanley, RCO or Vanderbilt.
Benefits for your Customers:
Improved traffic flow and faster passages
Increased security and control
Possibility to monitor use of different resources
Easy administration
Benefits for Installers and Integrators:
Integrates with all major Access Control Systems
No additional protocol converters
Quick and easy installation
Outstanding quality, manufactured in Sweden
Our RFID readers often replaces expensive and complicated solutions with remote controls or standard card readers at gates. TagMaster’s solution is outstanding when a trouble free, secure, and easy access solution is needed for vehicle authorization.
Do you want to know more about our solutions and how we can help you?
Please contact us at sales(a)tagmaster.com
As car use increases, so does the need to park the vehicles when they are not in use. It is estimated that cars are parked 95% of the time, so managing this is key in both the commercial and public sectors. In free flow parking environments, you need accurate, quality ANPR to correctly process each vehicle when entering the car park at higher speeds and to cope with wider access points and steeper camera angles. TagMaster’s parking solution is perfect for this.
Avoid misuse of the parking area
Generate revenue
Increase site security
Quick and easy installation
The TagMaster’s Free Flow Parking System is therefore an excellent choice for shopping centres, retail parks, motorway service stations and restaurants.
If you would like to find out more or you have any questions, please contact the sales team on 01438 347555 or email sales.uk@tagmaster.com
You can also visit our website at www.uk.tagmaster.com
Our External Sales and Technical Support teams will be availing themselves to digital tools such as Zoom to replace direct customer visits with virtual meetings if desired.
Growing interest on the benefits of Active Travel has increased the demand for accurate and timely bicycle travel data. Bicycle traffic monitoring is essential to comprehend current figures and for planning and predicting future demand to manage cycling infrastructure.
With the launch of both the Compact Bicycle Piezo and Compact Bicycle Loop, TagMaster introduces the latest generation of bicycle counting technology.
Key Features:
Turn-key battery/solar powered bicycle counting
Measures the direction of travel
Seamless data transmission via 4G modem
Wireless communication
Easy set up with Android App
Compact Bicycle Piezo The high accuracy Piezo sensor for Cycle Paths uses two piezoelectric strips embedded into the path to accurately measure the downward pressure of the cycle as the wheels go over it. By having two strips it can measure the speed, direction and wheelbase of the cycle.
Compact Bicycle Loop
The robust, durable inductive loops can be used for cycle paths, shared lane with pedestrians and in-road and can be fitted to a standard Compact Loop detector. The unit measure the speed, direction, length and chassis height for accurate counting.
Both systems are perfect for obtaining trends over time and allows for the comparison of bicycle trips over consecutive months, seasons, or years. Real-time communication provides instant data on bicycle users to understand the potential impact on services and infrastructure.
REST API As a middleware for TagMaster’s infomobility products, the REST API can parse, receive, store and acknowledge all real-time VBV data transmitted. The field units (sensors, radars etc.) are easily configured to send their real time data to this middleware. In the event of a 4G connection loss, the REST API middleware will catchup unretrieved data.
Our External Sales and Technical Support teams will be availing themselves to digital tools such as Zoom to replace direct customer visits with virtual meetings if desired.
In this data rich world, it is vital that efficient, reliable and effective software processes capture information accurately, rapidly, and securely.
TagMaster JetManagementSuite (JMS) software provides a centralised management system utilised around the globe in many industries and applications, including:
• Distribution Centres / Warehousing & Logistics
• Supermarkets / Petrol Forecourt Stations
• Shopping Centres / Retail & Business Parks
• Waste Management / Utilities & Infrastructure
• Private Estates & Clubs / Hotels
• Car Park Management
• Airports / Ports of Entry
Paired to our versatile CS ANPR digital HD camera range of products, the TagMaster JMS software suite facilitates an easy to install, quick to operate and easy to use answer to the problem of effectively managing, monitoring, and controlling vehicle access. The recognition process is all carried out on a processor inside the Intelligent cameras.
JetManagement Suite
Key Features:
Feature rich software brings innovative benefits to many security & operational challenges
Comprehensive database, ideal for single site or centralised multi-site operations
Automate gates and barriers, change lights and raise road blockers with Access Control module
Fully functional web interface for simple, user friendly operation
JMS – The complete ANPR software suite for Parking, Access Control & Security Applications.
If you need to better manage vehicle access, click below to find out more.
If you would like to find out more or you have any questions, please contact the sales team on 01438 347555 or email sales.uk@tagmaster.com
You can also visit our website at www.uk.tagmaster.com
Our External Sales and Technical Support teams will be availing themselves to digital tools such as Zoom to replace direct customer visits with virtual meetings if desired.
At TagMaster, we know that everyone wants their parking experience to be as smooth as parking on your own driveway. With TagMaster’s convenient free-flow parking solutions, drivers can stay focused on the destination—not the journey.
TagMaster’s parking solutions involve long-range RFID technology, automatic number plate recognition (ANPR), or a combination of both. Among the many advantages of each of these technologies is that vehicle authentication is automatic and provides free-flow access.
Three good reasons to create a smooth parking experience:
The need for improved efficiency and sustainability driving the development of ‘Smart Cities’ solutions has witnessed a huge focus awareness in recent months.
Active travel and ‘land grab’ solutions through ‘tactical urbanism’ has highlighted the importance of traffic, cycle and pedestrian analytics. The BIG data these movements generate is colossal. Ensuring this data is effectively captured, securely stored, rapidly processed and easily understood is essential to all transport policy makers, highway engineers, traffic management operations, road-safety technicians and associated sectors.
TagMaster VDA innovative software solution provide an easy-to-use interface to the TagMaster Compact range of monitoring products.
Our External Sales and Technical Support teams will be availing themselves to digital tools such as Zoom to replace direct customer visits with virtual meetings if desired.
TagMaster ANPR integrating to parking systems from APT Skidata has been successfully deployed at the new centre:mk multi-storey ‘smart tech’ car park in Milton Keynes. The car park is packed full of the latest technology, and brings over 1400 new spaces to the city centre shopping area.
Cost effective, hassle free parking
Contactless parking
Increased revenue
Improved customer experience
CS Bollard Camera
The bollard is optimised for short ranged ANPR for the following applications:
If you would like to find out more or you have any questions, please contact the sales team on 01438 347555 or email sales.uk@tagmaster.com
You can also visit our website at www.uk.tagmaster.com
Our External Sales and Technical Support teams will be availing themselves to digital tools such as Zoom to replace direct customer visits with virtual meetings if desired.
No matter where you work or live, parking seems to be an ever-present issue. Parking issues arise almost everywhere we go today, especially around where we live and work. Therefore, everyone puts a very high value on knowing that they have a parking space when they arrive at home or at work.
As an installer or integrator of access – or parking solutions you, together with TagMaster’s solutions, have the possibility to improve the way facility- and property managers organise and operate their residential/tenant parking spaces and at the same time increase your (and the property manager’s) profitability.
TagMaster’s Long Range Readers are often used at parking spaces, garages or gated communities where property managers want to make parking as easy as possible, easy to manage and at the same time keeping unauthorised vehicles out.
The RFID-Readers automatically identify incoming and departing vehicles and open gates, barriers, garage doors or similar and give full control over the vehicles within the area as well as the number of passages.
TagMaster – a perfect choice
For Installers:
“Plug and Play” – functionality
Quick and easy installation – No need for interface converters
Compatible will all major access system manufacturers
Increased profitability for Integrator / Installer
Robust, maintenance-free design, no need for software updates
For Property Managers:
Only authorized and paying residents/vehicles in the garage or parking space
Always available space for residents
Logs all vehicle movements
Easy to manage
Read more about the reader’s features and functions and more about how TagMaster’s Long-Distance Readers can make life easier for both residents and property managers.
The management of waste disposal is a challenge affecting regional and national authorities all over the World. These challenges have been further highlighted in recent weeks with the recent re-opening of household waste sites nationwide and the increased demand and traffic congestion as a direct result.
Find out how TagMaster’s CS range of high-accuracy ANPR bespoke solutions can help!
Our External Sales and Technical Support teams will be availing themselves to digital tools such as Zoom to replace direct customer visits with virtual meetings if desired.
TagMasters long-range readers are often used at logistics centres where a large number of vehicles pass in and out with goods. In this type of facility, it is important that only authorized vehicles have access to the area.
Readers identify oncoming and departing vehicles and open gates, barriers, gates or the like and give full control over which suppliers are within in the area as well as the number of passages. In some facilities, it is also absolutely necessary to be able to direct traffic to different loading sites, to control, alarm or measure different events and to obtain statistics.
TagMaster, a perfect choice for Integrators and Installers:
“Plug and Play” – functionality with all leading system manufacturers
Quick and easy installation – No need for converters
Maintenance-free, robust design with automatic updates
Increased profitability for Integrator / Installer
Read more about the reader’s features and functions and an example of application. In addition, you will find more information on how TagMaster’s Long-Distance Readers can improve vehicle flows and increase end-user efficiency and reduce environmental impact for all of us.
The coronavirus and its ongoing challenges have highlighted the importance of traffic flow data, the accuracy and effectiveness of the equipment used to capture, coupled to the functionality and ease of use data analysis and software processing.
Local Authorities in the UK have been asked by the DfT to supply regular data reports. Many Local Authorities throughout the UK have done so using data that has been accurately captured utilising the many 1000’s of roadside TagMaster BlackCat devices deployed throughout the UK.
Key Features:
Highway agencies, Local Authorities and traffic management companies’ nationwide benefit from the easy deployment of the TagMaster product range
Inbuilt HiOCC provide peace of mind to Traffic Controllers that all incidents are instantly reported and appropriate alerts activated
The versatile sensor array configurations permit up to 24 inductive loop inputs providing monitoring capabilities to the most complex of traffic environments.
Our External Sales and Technical Support teams will be availing themselves to digital tools such as Zoom to replace direct customer visits with virtual meetings if desired.
With the expected relief of lockdown restrictions in the coming weeks and the return to car park occupancy the TagMaster CS/JMS parking solution provides an ideal opportunity for parking operators to maximise their revenues and access accurate occupancy data.
The TagMaster software/hardware can be integrated into all car park scenarios:
Pay On Exit, with barrier or free-flow
Pay by space, time purchase
Permit access
White List Entry management
Black List alerts
Find out how the TagMaster CS/JMS parking solution can maximise revenue.
Our External Sales and Technical Support teams will be availing themselves to digital tools such as Zoom to replace direct customer visits with virtual meetings if desired.
The XT-5 is the latest, state of the art addition to TagMaster’s XT-series. This new reader is full of the latest technology with several new and updated features. This is the best Long Range RFID reader we have ever built and we dare to say: this is probably the best reader on the market today.
The XT-5 is tailored for automatic vehicle identification applications such as parking, industrial gates, barriers, gated communities, road tolls, etc. The reader is easy to set up and install and is designed for all kinds of environments. And as with all TagMaster readers, it supports all major interfaces and communication protocols.
New and improved features:
Read range up to 12m (40ft)
Self-jammer cancellation (SJC)
High power radio with polarization control
Advanced Linux based UHF reader with PoE+
Additional external antenna as option
Dual Wiegand ports
In addition to the list above the XT-5 has a long list of usage areas and functions. Please, visit us and find out more about this new, impressive reader.
You can probably imagine a number of situations when it is a very good idea to have control of what vehicles have access to a specific building, parking space, gated community, industrial area, private road, etc.
In most cases, its enough to use a solution that prohibits unauthorized vehicle access, not a high security solution with keypads, codes or cameras. You just want to make sure that the “right” vehicles have access and the others are kept out. Very simple.
Benefits of using a stand-alone Long Range RFID solution:
Increased convenience for regular visitors or occupants
No risk of exceeding maximum parking bay availability
Authorised vehicles only
Control of passages, logging data
Possibility to increase revenue
Build in access control and relay to control the gate/barrier at entry and exit
Easy to install and set up
Pre-programmed access cards
At TagMaster, we have successfully been filling this need for many years. We know that everyone wants an access solution that is cost effective, easy to install and manage – year in and year out without any trouble.
With Covid-19 driving a change to how we all live and work currently, the UK Government was urgently seeking transport data from across the country to inform how they respond to the Covid-19 outbreak.
Clients using the VDA-Net platform were able to take advantage of our built in API (Application Programming Interface) to facilitate swift integration of their traffic data in to the DfT back office system.
Our External Sales and Technical Support teams will be availing themselves to digital tools such as Zoom to replace direct customer visits with virtual meetings if desired.
With the annual growth in the use of our road network showing no signs of slowing, it is imperative that safety, when carrying out road traffic surveys, is high on the agenda.
Temporary traffic surveys have always involved vast man power, which only increases further when road closures are required to install a set of pneumatic tubes. Not only does this cause disruption to road users, but the costs of that single traffic survey somewhat increase too.
High flowing roads and dual carriageway surveys can be carried out safely and efficiently with the use of the BlackCAT Radar. The product design allows for a swift one man 5 minute deployment and configuration, to minimise the time engineers are spending at the side of the road.
TagMaster UK have carried out extensive development to push the boundaries of Doppler radar technology to produce a non-invasive speed & length recorder with accuracy that will rival in-ground inductive loop technology.
To prove this concept we carried out in-depth testing and analysis of the BlackCAT Radar against an inductive loop site and wrote up the report.
Further to the benefits of not being required to work in the carriageway, the covert nature of the BlackCAT Radar will ensure that road users won’t change their behaviour as they pass through the site and the much dreaded ‘thud thud’ of cars travelling over pneumatic tubes in residential areas is no longer a concern.
With this technology the future of traffic surveys becomes safer and more efficient whilst most importantly expanding market potential. Don’t get caught using traditional techniques when new technology is available to be exploited.
If you would like to find out more or if you have any questions, please contact the sales team on 01296 333 499 or email sales.uk@tagmaster.com
Our External Sales and Technical Support teams will be availing themselves to digital tools such as Zoom to replace direct customer visits with virtual meetings if desired.
Tag Master’s Long-Range RFID Readers can be used in an almost indefinite number of ways when it comes to identifying a vehicle, a position or an object and can trigger just any kind of action.
One particular area where using Long Range RFID-solutions is common and very beneficial is within industrial facilities and on industrial vehicles. Typical areas of use are, ports, mills, docks, mines or warehouses. The purpose is often to prevent unauthorised people from accessing restricted areas or opening different kinds of doors and barriers.
Read the case study to get more info on how the TagMaster´s Long Range Readers can increase efficiency and convenience in a warehouse facility.
Make security at Distribution Centres more efficient & cost effective. Installing CitySync ANPR cameras for access control on the entry and exit lanes automates a previously manual task, reducing staffing costs and speeding up access, making deliveries to the distribution centre more efficient.
Read the case study to see how CitySync ANPR helped improve access control, efficiency and staff safety at this distribution centre.
On-board database with email and relay outputsThe CitySync 50 utilises uncompressed HD video for high-accuracy ANPR in parking and access control systems.The HD video is processed inside the camera housing by the Jet Recognition Engine, which is one of the fastest and most accurate in the world.
If you would like to find out more or if you have any questions, please contact the sales team on 01296 333 499 or email sales.uk@tagmaster.com
Our External Sales and Technical Support teams will be availing themselves to digital tools such as Zoom to replace direct customer visits with virtual meetings if desired.
TagMaster’s radio technology-based solutions (RFID) are used to identify, authorize and give access all types of known vehicles, preventing security breaches. Our solutions are often used to control and optimize vehicle flows, improving customer service or electronic tolling.
TagMaster today has thousands of installations of Long-Range Readers together with the leading suppliers of access systems, such as RCO, ASSA, Integra, Siemens, Salto etc.
Easy integration and administration with all existing access control systems
Quick and easy installation
Outstanding quality. Solutions made in Sweden for Nordic conditions
Our RFID reader often replaces expensive and complicated solutions with remote controls or standard card readers at gates. Our solution is outstanding when a trouble free, secure and easy access solution is needed for authorized vehicles only.
To assist your organisation during installations, TagMaster’s Nordic support is available to answer any question. Our warehouse is located in Sweden securing safe and fast deliveries.
Do you want to know more about our solutions and how we can help you and your clients? Please contact me
Mikael Kokoric
Tel. +46 724 505445 mikael.kokoric(a)tagmaster.com
Is your inductive loop hardware providing you with the best possible data? Find out how CA Traffic’s latest technology can revolutionise not only how you collect data, but also how that data can be used.
Our External Sales and Technical Support teams will be availing themselves to digital tools such as Zoom to replace direct customer visits with virtual meetings if desired.
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